Oh My GOODNESS!! My happiness can not be contained. Do any of you know how important it is to spread Awareness for ASD? Well it is supper importan. So many misunderstand that ASD has so many levels, hence why we all call it a puzzle. Like a puzzle no two pieces are identical.
The fact that Elon Musk came onto SNL and publicly said he has Aspergers is amazing!!! Do you know how many people must have googled ASD and Asperger’s on Saturday? Well, I don’t either but I am sure it was many people. That means that those people just learned a bit about ASD, which means that now when they see us ASD moms in the street with our overstimulated ASD child in full meltdown, instead of judging they may be more inclined to offer help! Well Hopefully anyway.
Thank you Elon Musk and than you SNL for adding puzzle pieces to our beautiful and huge puzzle. 😁😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️
